与什么有关的英语短语 英语因为的多种表达

2023年4月21日发(作者:离开反义词) 常用英语短语 500 组(一)
1. arrive at 达到,达成;到达某地
e.g.: The plane will arrive at 10: 飞机将在上午十点达到。
2. not a few 不少,相当多
e.g.: ot a few people attended the meeting. 相当多人参加了
3. get along with 与…和睦相处;取得进展
e.g.: Do you get along with your colleagues? 你和你的同事相
4. for a change 为了改变一下;为了换换口味
e.g.: On a Sunday, I fix a big breakfast for a change. 星期天,
5. a moment 片刻
e.g.: Just a moment, please. 请稍等片刻。
6. the other day 不久前某一天;几天以前
e.g.: I turned in my paper the other day. 前几天我交了我的论
7. much less 更不用说;不及
e.g.: I can’t speak English, much less German. 我不会说英语,
8. this is to say 就是;即;换言之
e.g.: The event was held last Sun., that is to say May 3rd. 这次
活动是在上个星期天举行的,也就是说 5 3 日。
9. give up 放弃;交出
e.g.: Don’t give up before you try. 在你尝试之前,不要放弃。
10. change trains 换乘火车
e.g.: Do I have to change trains? 我必须换乘火车吗?
11. hardly ever 几乎不;几乎从来不
e.g.: My grandmother hardly ever catches colds. 我祖母几乎

12. what’s more 而且;更重要的是;另外
e.g.: This dress shrank, and what’s more, it faded. 这件衣服
13. intrude on 打扰,介入,干涉
e.g.: You should not intrude on his privacy. 你不应该侵犯他的
14. look like 看起来像
e.g.: John just looks like his father. John 看起来像他的父亲。
15. contrary to 与…相反,违反
e.g.: Contr ary to my expectation, I couldn’t win the first
prize. 与我的期望相反,我没有获得一等奖。
16. take care of 照顾;注意;抚养
e.g.: Who is going to take care of the goldfish? 谁来照顾金鱼?
17. for nothing 免费;徒然
e.g.: I got this ticket for nothing. 我免费获得这张票。
18. burst out doing 徒然
e.g.: We burst out laughing. 我们大笑起来。
19. in virtue of 凭借;由于,因为
e.g.: In virtue of her age, she could board the plane 比较有内涵的网名 first. 由于
20. derive A from B A 源于 B
e.g.: We can derive advantage from this choice. 我们可以从这
21. none the less 依然
e.g.: I love him none the less for his faults. 虽然他有缺点,但
22. fall in love with 爱上
e.g.: Andy fell in love with Helen last year. 去年, Andy
Helen 相爱了。

23. a minute 一分钟;一会儿
e.g.: Wait a minute. 等一等。
24. look back (on) 回顾;回忆
e.g.: Look back on the past. 回忆过去。
25. leave a lot to be desired 极不完善;还有待改进
e.g.: The results left a lot to be desired. 这个结果还有待改进。
26. be accustomed to 习惯于
e.g.: She is accustomed to rising early. 她习惯早起。
27. the number of 数目
e.g.: We need to count the number of papers. 我们需要统计论
28. at first 起先,首先;最初
e.g.: At first it is difficult. 起初很难。
29. even if 即使;虽然
e.g.: I’ll go out even if it rains. 即使下雨,我也会出去。
30. be indifferent to 不在乎…;对…漠不关心
e.g.: My classmates are indifferent to fashion. 我的同学对时尚
漠不关心ppt无法编辑 。
31. as…please 请便
e.g.: Do as you please. 你请便。
32. be keen on 喜爱,渴望
e.g.: He is keen on science. 他喜欢科学。
33. settle out of court 庭外和解,庭外解决
e.g.: How much would I have to pay you to agree to settle
out of court? 我需要付多少钱,你才能同意在庭外和解?
34. come back 回来;记起
e.g.: Our manager will come back later. 我们的经理稍后会回来。
35. at hand 在手边;即将到来
e.g.: The sakura festival is near at hand. 樱花节近在咫尺。
36. All…have to do is (to) …不得不做的是

e.g.: All you have to do is know where you are going. 你所要
37. in regard to 关于
e.g.: We had many problems in regard to quality control.
38. at least 至少
e.g.: I should pay at least 500 yuan for the ticket. 我应该至少
支付 500 元来购票。
39. be busy doing 忙于做某事
e.g.: The students are busy preparing for the examination.
40. put an end to 结束;终止
e.g.: The lawyer put an end to human rights violations. 律师
41. on time 按时,准时;按时付款
e.g.: arrive on time 按时达到
42. be subject to 受支配,从属于
e.g.: We are subject to the laws of our country. 我们受制于我
43. a pair of 一对…;一副…
e.g.: I knit a pair of socks today. 我今天织了一对袜子。
44. for instance 比如
e.g.: For instance, we offer 退休证明 a gift such as cards and cups.
45. put…into practice 实行,实施;付诸实践
e.g.: A movie company put a plan into practice. 一家电影公司
制定了实施名著读后感800字 计划。
46. convince…to 说服
e.g.: She convinced my father to branch out on his own. 她说

47. make out 理解;辨认出;说明
e.g.: Did you make out what he said? 你理解他说了什么吗?
48. bring…up 抚养,养育;培养,教育
e.g.: My parents decided to bring me up in the best way they
could. 我的父母决定用最好的方式抚养我。
49. So…如此,这么
e.g.: “I was born in London.” “So was I.” “我出生在伦
50. be used to 习惯于,习惯,被用来做
e.g.: He is used to traveling. 他习惯去旅行。
51. have an eye for 对…有鉴别能力
e.g.: The professor has an eye for fine art. 这位教授能鉴别出好
52. what we call 我们所说的
e.g.: He is what we call a “genius”. 他就是我们所说的“天
53. take…in 让…进入;接纳;吸收
e.g.: Don’t be taken in by a smooth talker. 不要被一个净说好
54. urge…to 怂恿;激励
e.g.: I urged John to reconsider. 我建议约翰重新考虑。
55. remind A of B A 想起 B
e.g.: He reminds me of my grandfather. 他让我想起了我的祖
56. if it were not for 如果不是因为
e.g.: If it were not for the sun, we could not live at all. 如果不
57. get over 克服
e.g.: get over a difficulty 克服困难
58. by accident 偶然;意外地

e.g.: Penicillin was discovered almost by accident. 青霉素几乎
59. try…on 试穿
e.g.: Can I try the sweater on? 我可以试穿这件毛衣吗?
60. before long 不久前某一天;几天以前
e.g.: The board shall know the truth before long. 董事会不久
61. make…up 补足;编造;组成
e.g.: The politician made the whole things up. 这个政治家把所
62. at the same time 同时
e.g.: They came at the same time. 他们同时来了。
63. if any 如果有的话
e.g.: Read the report and correct the mistakes, i青霉素是谁发明的 f any. 阅读报
64. all at once 突然
e.g.: All at once, she decided to go home. 突然一下子,她决定
65. what A call B 这就是 A 所说的 B
e.g.: This is what you call a stereotype. 这就是你所说的刻板印
66. so…(that)…因此
e.g.: The wind was so strong that the door opened. 风很强就
67. distract A from B 分散 A B
e.g.: The prince distracted public attention from the issue.
68. to the north of 在北部
e.g.: Hong Kong lies in the east of China and to the north of
Australia. 香港在中国的东边,在澳大利亚的北边。

69. as well 也是
e.g.: She is a good shopper and a good bargainer as well洗浴中心项目 .
70. devote A to B 投入 A B
e.g.: The player devoted all his energy to basketball. 这位球员
71. the day before yesterday 前天
e.g.: My niece took the picture the day before yesterday.
72. refrain from 避免做某事
e.g.: Please refrain from sm早安问候 oking. 请不要吸烟。
73. be ready to 准备做某事
e.g.: intendo is ready to distribute the game app. 任天堂准
74. by land 通过陆地
e.g.: This beach is nearly inaccessible by land. 这片海滩几乎无
75. be able to 可以做某事
e.g.: Tom’s baby is able to walk already. 汤姆的宝宝已经可以
76. speak to 跟谁说话
e.g.: He got an opportunity to speak to Ms. Smith. 他有机会
77. to say the least 至少可以说;退一步讲
e.g.: Last year was eventful to say the least. 去年可以说是多事
78. be late doing 推迟做某事
e.g.: My mother was late getting dinner ready. 我母亲准备晚
79. can’t…without doing 一…就没法…

e.g.: I can’t see this chair without thinking of my father. 我
80. by nature 本质上;天生地
e.g.: My mother is by nature a generous person. 我的母亲本
81. not…by any means 无论如何
e.g.: Her company isn’t an ideal workplace by any means.
82. go on a trip 去旅行
e.g.: I go on a trip abroad. 我去国外旅行。
83. determine (to) 决定
e.g.: People were determined to maintain peace. 人们决定维
84. persuade A out of doing 说服 A 不要做某事
e.g.: I tried to persuade her out of going outside. 我试图说服
85. have a hard time doing 难以做某事
e.g.: The sales rep had a hard time finding her house. 销售代
86. all day 一直
e.g.: I was busy all day. 我整天都很忙。
87. help…(to)帮助
e.g.: My mother helped me to improve my performance.
88. wipe…off 擦去;抹去
e.g.: Wipe the dirt off your clothes. 擦去衣服上的污垢。
89. not a little 许多,大量
e.g.: Jane has earned not a little money. 简赚了不少钱。
90. A and B, respectively A B ,分别英语寓言故事
e.g.: My sister and I ordered a hamburger and a pizza

respectively. 我和妹妹分别订了一个汉堡包和一个煲猪心 披萨。
91. cling to 抓紧;坚持
e.g.: cling to power 紧紧抓住权利不放手
92. come apart 脱节;破碎
e.g.: The plane appeared to come apart in the sky. 飞机似乎
93. ahead of 在…之前
e.g.: I walked along ahead of everyone else. 我走在其他人的前
94. begin to 开始做某事
e.g.: Water bega初中生活感悟 n to boil in the kettle. 水壶里的水开始沸腾。
95. to some extent 在某种程度上
e.g.: My boss agreed to some extent with the idea. 我的老板
96. not make much difference 没多大区别
e.g.: It will not make much difference whether you go today
or tomorrow. 你今天去或明天去没什么区别。
97. at a loss 亏本;不知所措;困惑
e.g.: Peter was at a loss for a word. 彼得一句话也说不出来。
98. be in need of 需要
e.g.: African people are in need of food. 非洲人民需要食物。
99. now and then 不时地;时常
e.g.: ow and then I see the actor at the restaurant. 我经常在
这间餐厅见到演员。 100. attribute A to B A 归功于 B
e.g.: He attributed his success to his teacher. 他把成功归因于

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